[:en]Collision Detection Between a Circle and a Line Segment[:]

[:en]Collision between Segment AB and circle C (radius r).  Let’s remember a little of vector algebra and pythagorean theorem. The height of the right-angle triangle ACD is what we need to compare with radius. [latex] \vec{AD} \text{ is the projection Continua a leggere [:en]Collision Detection Between a Circle and a Line Segment[:]

Ubuntu 16.04 Unity Launcher position

[:it]Da terminale si può spostare il launcher in basso: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom e ripristinarlo a sinistra con: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Left [:en]You can move the Launcher from terminal: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom and restore default position Continua a leggere Ubuntu 16.04 Unity Launcher position

PowerShell script to deploy Qt Standalone Windows App

Use this script with QtCreator (Option, External Tools): Executable: powershell Arguments: deployWindowsApp.ps1 %{CurrentProject:Name} %{CurrentProject:NativePath} %{CurrentProject:BuildPath} %{CurrentProject:QT_INSTALL_BINS} c:\Developer\Deploy

ThreeJS Line Demo on QML Canvas3D

It is a simple porting of ThreeJS lines demo. ThreeJS is a Javascript library for manipulating WebGL inside web browsers. It takes a little effort converting web code to Qml Canvas3D. Open QtCreator, create new project and select “Qt Canvas Continua a leggere ThreeJS Line Demo on QML Canvas3D